Donate your unwanted laptop

Unwanted laptops needed

Do you work for a business that might have some old working laptops gathering dust in a cupboard? Or do you have personally have a laptop you don’t need any more?  Cllr Martin Saunders of Horley Town Council is collecting these to give to local schools so they can be used by families not able … Read more

Half a million Zoom accounts found for sale


The details of more than 500,000 Zoom accounts have been found for sale on the dark web by security researchers, for less that one penny each. The login details were compiled by hackers using a method called credential stuffing, where they take email addresses and passwords from previous data breeches and ‘stuff’ them into other … Read more

Business as usual during the pandemic

We would like to reassure all of our valued customers that it’s mostly business as usual here at Micro Maintenance. Most of our team is working from home but are still contactable by phone and email. We recognise the importance of keeping your business trading as close to normal as possible, and we’ll do our … Read more

World Backup Day 2020

World Backup Day 2020

What would you do if your business lost access to all of it’s data? What if your computers were infected with ransomware? Have you analyzed what data is important and, more importantly, how to keep it protected? It’s the goal of World Backup Day, “celebrated” on the 31st of March every year, to bring attention … Read more

Cyber Essentials is changing

Cyber Essentials Logo

From the 1st of April 2020, the National Cyber Security Centre is changing the Cyber Essentials certification process. In a move to standardise the application process, the NCSC is making the IASME Consortium the sole partner, and the four other existing accreditation bodies will no longer be part of the scheme. How will this affect … Read more

Mac malware twice as prevalent as Windows malware

PC and Mac

The respected cybersecurity company, Malwarebytes, detected an average of 11 malware threats per Mac and an average of 5.8 threats per Windows device in 2019, meaning that Mac threats were outpacing Windows threats at approaching double the rate. You can read their full report here. Macs are generally regarded as being more secure and less … Read more

Trello data exposed

If you are a user of the poular task management service Trello, you should take a few minutes to check you privacy settings. Although the default option for new boards is ‘Private’, security researchers have discovered many boards that have been set to ‘Public’ by the board owners, either in error or because they misunderstood … Read more

Christmas 2019

Happy New Year

Micro Maintenance would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2019 was a great year for us, and we are looking to build on that by offering more managed services and working more closely with our clients in 2020. This will be a doubly special year for us as we … Read more

End of support for Windows 7

On 14th of January 2020, Microsoft will officially stop supporting Windows 7. Although it is a myth that Windows 7 will stop working, you will be putting your computer and your business at risk if you keep using it because there will be no more support or security updates from Microsoft. You can be sure … Read more

European Cyber Security Month 2019

European Cyber Security Month

European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU awareness campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and organizations about the importance of information security and highlighting the simple steps that can be taken to protect their data, whether personal, financial and/or professional. The main goal being to raise awareness, change behaviour and provide resources to … Read more

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