Mac malware twice as prevalent as Windows malware

The respected cybersecurity company, Malwarebytes, detected an average of 11 malware threats per Mac and an average of 5.8 threats per Windows device in 2019, meaning that Mac threats were outpacing Windows threats at approaching double the rate. You can read their full report here.

Macs are generally regarded as being more secure and less of a target than Windows PCs, but this may longer be the case. Cybercriminals are always looking for more and easier ways to attack businesses and individuals, and it looks like they are increasingly taking advantage of the fact that Macs, while arguably more secure, are an easier target for adware and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs, or “junk software”). Although this kind of malware is usually less damaging than other types of malicious software, it is more pervasive and often difficult to remove, and so it is a serious threat to Macs and Windows computers alike.

So whatever type of device your business uses, you should consider yourself just as likely to be a victim of malicious software and take appropriate steps, by utilising a combination of security software and hardware, user education and IT security policies.

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